Friday, April 1, 2011

One Man's Trash...

Recently, a new Goodwill store opened in our community. I went there a few weeks ago looking for a porcelain lamp for my sun porch. And there I saw one that was just what I was looking for! But it had one major issue. The lamp shade was covered with tiny rust spots on its delicate fabric pleats. The previous owner had obviously negleced this lamp and now deemed it usesless. But not I! I snatched it up at the whopping price of $6 and took it proudly home! Once there, I applied white vinegar to the spots with a Q-tip, and the rust stains began to fade! It now sits on my sun porch adding light and beauty to the room! One man's trash, as they say, is another man's treasure!

It's good that we have the opportunity to make seeminly useless things "new" again. It is a sweet reminder of how Christ took one man's (Adam's) trash (us!), and made it His treasure! Once beyond repair, ugly, stained and useless, Christ purchased us from the spiritual rummage sale and made us new again through His sacrice!

Happy Easter, friends!

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