Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just eat it!

All of us at one time or another have placed an unripe piece of fruit on the counter or window sill in order to ripen. Presently, I am staring at a bartlette pear that, just days ago, was hard as a rock! Today, it's soft and juicy! At this point, I have two options. I can eat the pear or continue to let it sit. If I eat the pear now, it will be sweet and delicious and bring nourishment to my body! But if I let it sit much more, it will begin to rot and eventually be thrown out like the majority of the bananas I seem to buy! Such a waste.

The Word of God is not unlike our fruit situation. I am told to meditate, or allow the Word to "sit" for a while as I turn it over in my mind and allow it to penetrate my heart. But until I apply the Word in my life, it will do me no ultimate good, and my faith will become stale and powerless. The Word must become part and parcel of who I am! It must be eaten, not just examined! Swallowed! Not simply chewed! Applied! Not just read.

I'm going to eat my delicious pear (and make some banana bread)!

"Thy words were found and I ate them,
and Thy Word became for me a joy and the delight of my heart;
for I have been called by Thy name,
O Lord God of hosts."

(Jeremiah 15:16)


Anonymous said...

I read the whole of PS 119 for the first time in ages this morning...funny that you're posting meditating, digesting, absorbing the Word of God, just as David said over and over. Great analogy ;)

Bethany said...

Enjoyed your pear post, thank you