Saturday, March 13, 2010

Standing the Heat

I haven't been posting to my blog lately. It seems that the busyness of life, and the rise of Facebook, have trumped my ability and sometimes my desire, to be creative in thought. But my creative juices just aren't being met on FB, so I'm going to attempt to begin posting again on a fairly regular basis. This may come as welcome news to some, while raising a collective groan among others! LOL

Our small group has been watching a video together about living the Christian life. David Powlison, a counselor with CCEF, often uses an effective illustration to talk about how people react to the circumstances of life. Challenges and trials are depicted at the top of his chart as a blazing sun, and he calls it the "heat" of life. From there, people can take one of two routes. The "heat" can either produce a "thorny," ungodly response from us, or we can view the "heat" in light of the cross of Jesus Christ and bear godly fruit, rather than thorns that entangle us, and harm others.

As I was thinking about this (and feeling quite conviceted in my own life), a picture came to my mind. On our recent trip to Hawaii, there was a lovely flower garden beside the condominium where we were staying. In this garden grew an enormous cactus which was loaded with lovely pink and yellow flower buds! My daughter wanted to take a picture of it, and as we came closer to it, we noticed something very interesting. This large, prickly-pear-style cactus had something very obvious missing. Thorns! We searched high and low, but found no thorns, only flowers!

What a picture of how I want my life to be, I thought, -- able to withstand intense "heat" like a strong cactus, yet producing beautiful "fruit" and no thorns!


David Blugerman said...


LouAnneL said...

I'm so glad you're blogging! I'll be sure to follow along.

Thank you for your thoughts. I've had ample opportunity today to produce thorny responses. Wish I had seen this earlier! :-)

Laura said...

I find that I am able to keep up with Lorien's private blog by typing on the laptop while Chris drives me somewhere and then loading it later. But then again, I don't think David drives you anywhere. Emma's turn will be here soon :)