Monday, June 30, 2008


One of David's favorite things to do is wrestle with the kids. This is a fatherly duty, according to him, as mothers are to be soft and comforting, Daddies are required to be more rough-and-tumble! This morning, David had Emma in a good-morning bear hug on our bed. At one point, he pulled the covers over Emma's head to tease her, whereby she replied, "No, Daddy, I am keeping an eye on a particular spot in the room!" David replied, "What spot is that?" Emma responded, "The door!!"

I think it's interesting how even young children seek independence. All parents have heard the mantra, "I can do it myself!" from their children from the time they can talk! Even before that, what parent hasn't had little fingers struggle to get free from their grasp as they walk through a store or a parking lot! Efforts to aid a toddler in any activity often result in a pudgy hand pushing you away in an effort to do it themselves (and usually requiring: a) band aids, b) paper towels, or c) glue, as a result!). As a parent, you want your children to be able to do things on their own, but we are better able to assess what they can handle at any given time. And so, we demand obedience in things like holding hands while crossing the street, or helping our child in the kitchen until we feel they can maneuver independently in these areas!

Adults are not much better than a toddler when it comes to our demands for independence. And the One we kick against is much wiser than the very best parent. I know that Emma was enjoying her time with her Daddy this morning and feels safer in his arms than anywhere else on earth! She wants the security of knowing her Daddy's arms are there whenever she wants/needs them, but also wants to feel like an independent agent in the world. Just as Emma struggled to loose herself from her Daddy's playful grip, we constantly try to wriggle out of God's grip, don't we? We know that in His arms there is no safer place, but we still like thinking of ourselves as free agents in the universe! If Emma could get her "wish" of being free of parental restraints, she would not be happy. She would be lost, and in danger. Likewise, if we as humans could possibly have our "wish" and somehow manipulate God into just showing up when we call Him, like some cosmic genie, we would be wretched indeed. Getting what we want all the time is not happiness, it's just selfish hedonism. And we would miss the opportunity to know God! Emma feels loved and safe with her parents because she knows us, and respects us. We have a relationship and a bond that has been forged since her birth, and in her heart she knows that the boundaries we place on her independence are for her good. What a tragedy it would be to be deprived a relationship with our Heavenly Father, and only have his magic wand, so to speak, to fix our blunders or give us what we want all the time. But that's the human condition -- we are always trying to flip our relationship with God, putting ourselves on the throne!

God gives us true freedom, not independence. We will never be independent of Him, for every breath we take is a gift and the result of his sovereign hand upon the universe! Even in glory, we will be 100% reliant upon the grace of God every day! But we have freedom to live and move within His loving boundaries which are meant to bless us and glorify Him! We are also free from our slavery to sin, and the fear of death! This gives us yet MORE freedom -- freedom to live radical lives for Christ! Freedom to be risk takers for His kingdom, knowing that He is always holding onto us, like a loving father. This Independence Day, I am thankful not only for our country and the human freedoms we enjoy here, but ultimately for the freedom I have been given through Christ! Help me, Lord, to give thanks for the grip you have on my life and not resist your demand for my obedience and your efforts to keep me wholly dependent upon you!!


Mother of Pearls said...

Thanks friend for the words of wisdom, well said. Keep writing!

Freddy said...

I am still amazed at how you can go from kids wrestling with daddy to such amazing writing on such a spiritual topic. Kudos! With that said...

Just as I wanted to super glue my kids' hands to mine when they were real little and squirming to get away and we were in certain situations, I wish I could super glue my hands to my Father's hands now. But I have to remember that even when I squirm and try to pull away from Him, He won't let go of my hand. He loves me too much!

Tom Atkins said...

Such a thoughtful commentary! I am always telling people (and particularly my children) that there are lessons in everything, and indeed, your writing here proves the point!