Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Fresh Start Awaits!

As May quickly comes to a close, I look forward to my favorite time of year -- Summer! It's not because of the weather, although I do enjoy trips to the lake or pool to cool off. In fact, I probably enjoy the Fall most because of the crisp temperatures and beautiful colors. But I look forward to Summer the most for the same reason most kids do -- Summer break! Now, many parents do not look forward to break, because suddenly their kids are home all day and parents must find ways to occupy their time. But as a homeschool Mom, I enjoy the break almost as much as the kids do! Then, in the Fall I feel re-energized to face another school year with a positive attitude. A fresh start!

I love the way God gives us fresh starts! My brother once commented that he was so thankful that God made day and night. He said, if there was never night, just an ongoing day in which we never slept, then if you had a bad day it would just keep going on, and on, and on, and on. . . . I had never really thought about it that way. But once again, God is pretty smart. Each morning that we wake up is a fresh start! Morning means a fresh start, Spring heralds a fresh start for the Earth each year, and of course ultimately the cross offers a fresh start through forgiveness!

Now hold on, because I'm going to offer one of my famous analogies here, so bear with me. No analogy is perfect and breaks down when taken too far but. . . that being said, I was thinking about how faith and sanctification are sort of like the rotation and revolution of the Earth which brings about daylight and the seasons. Faith, like the rotation of the Earth, gives us light. When the part of the Earth we occupy is turned away from the sun, it experiences darkness, night. But the Light has come into the world and, "...shines in the darkness" (John 1:5). Christ's descent into the world allows us to suddenly be able to see God for who He is! When we see Him through faith, the darkness we've been stumbling around in is lifted, and we have spiritual daylight! We are able to turn away from our sins and towards the Son! How sad are those who "...loved the darkness rather than the light..." (John 3:19).

But it's not enough that we see Him, we must be close to Him. We have light, but we also need growth! As the Earth is warmed the closer it is to the Sun as it revolves around it, so we are warmed in our spirit the closer we are to the Son! We grow and blossom through the process of sanctification. When we find ourselves wandering away from Christ, our souls grow cold and growth is slowed or inhibited. God wants us to see Him through faith (light), AND to have a relationship with him (closeness). He wants us to see who He is, but then He wants us to stay close and to be transformed into His image!

Just as night turns to morning and the Earth doesn't stay in perpetual Winter, we are offered both light and closeness through the forgiveness found in the cross of Christ! A fresh start, a Soul Spring, awaits all who turn not only to see, but to abide. And just as the Earth does not turn itself, our faith and sanctification are the work of God. He is the gravitational pull on our souls, just as the Sun pulls on the Earth and keeps it in orbit. Resistance would be foolish indeed. For if the Earth could resist the sun's pull, it would be catapulted into the outer reaches of space and destroyed. I'm so thankful that I am safe within the sovereignty and will of my heavenly Father!

So when you find yourself discouraged, caught in a cycle of sin, or wondering why your life isn't producing spiritual fruit, remember that God's forgiveness through Christ offers you a fresh start, but you must turn toward the Son and remain close when you feel His loving hand gently pulling on you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I praise God that His mercies are new every morning! Thanks for the great encouragement. Keep writing.